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class vidiopy.VideoClip.ImageSequenceClip

Bases: vidiopy.VideoClip.VideoClip(sequence, fps=None, duration=None, audio=None)

A class used to represent a sequence of images as a video clip. This class extends the VideoClip class and provides additional functionality for handling sequences of images.

  • clip (tuple[Image.Image, ...]): The sequence of images as a tuple of PIL Images.

  • It inherits all the attributes from the VideoClip class.

  • sequence (str | Path | tuple[Image.Image, ...] | tuple[np.ndarray, ...] | tuple[str | Path, ...]): The sequence to import. It can be a tuple of PIL Images, paths to images, numpy arrays, or a path to a directory.
  • fps (int | float | None, optional): The frames per second of the image sequence clip. If not specified, it is calculated from the duration and the number of images in the sequence.
  • duration (int | float | None, optional): The duration of the image sequence clip in seconds. If not specified, it is calculated from the fps and the number of images in the sequence.
  • audio (optional): The audio of the image sequence clip. If not specified, the image sequence clip will have no audio.


Generates a numpy array representation of a specific frame in the image sequence clip.

This method calculates the index of the frame for a specific time, retrieves the frame from the image sequence clip, and converts it to a numpy array.

Parameters: - t (int | float): The time of the frame to convert.

Returns: - np.ndarray: The numpy array representation of the frame.

Requires: - duration or end to be set.


Generates a PIL Image representation of a specific frame in the image sequence clip.

This method calculates the index of the frame for a specific time, retrieves the frame from the image sequence clip, and returns it as a PIL Image.

Parameters: - t (int | float): The time of the frame to convert.

Returns: - Image.Image: The PIL Image representation of the frame.

Raises: - ValueError: If neither the duration nor the end of the image sequence clip is set.

Requires: - duration or end to be set.

fl_frame_transform(func, *args, **kwargs)

Applies a function to each frame of the image sequence clip.

This method iterates over each frame in the image sequence clip, applies a function to it, and replaces the original frame with the result. The function is expected to take a PIL Image as its first argument and return a PIL Image.

Parameters: - func (Callable[..., Image.Image]): The function to apply to each frame. It should take a PIL Image as its first argument and return a PIL Image. - *args: Additional positional arguments to pass to the function. - **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function.

Returns: - ImageSequenceClip: The current instance of the ImageSequenceClip class.


>>> image_sequence_clip = ImageSequenceClip()
>>> image_sequence_clip.fl_frame_transform(lambda frame: frame.rotate(90))

fl_clip_transform(func, *args, **kwargs)

Applies a function to each frame of the image sequence clip along with its timestamp.

This method iterates over each frame in the image sequence clip, applies a function to it and its timestamp, and replaces the original frame with the result. The function is expected to take a PIL Image and a float as its first two arguments and return a PIL Image.

Parameters: - func (Callable[..., Image.Image]): The function to apply to each frame. It should take a PIL Image and a float as its first two arguments and return a PIL Image. - *args: Additional positional arguments to pass to the function. - **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the function.

Returns: - ImageSequenceClip: The current instance of the ImageSequenceClip class.

Raises: - ValueError: If the fps of the image sequence clip is not set.

Requires: - fps to be set.


>>> image_sequence_clip = ImageSequenceClip()
>>> image_sequence_clip.fl_clip_transform(lambda frame, t: frame.rotate(90 * t))
