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Basic Concepts

VidioPY primarily works with two types of clips: VideoClip and AudioClip. Both are derived from the Clip base class and can be manipulated in various ways such as cutting, slowing down, darkening, or mixing with other clips to create new ones. These clips can then be exported to various file formats such as MP4, GIF, MP3, etc.

flowchart TB
    Clip -->|inherits| VideoClip[VideoClip]
    Clip -->|inherits| AudioClip[AudioClip]
    VideoClip -->|inherits| ImageClip[ImageClip]
    VideoClip -->|inherits| VideoFileClip[VideoFileClip]
    VideoClip -->|inherits| ImageSequenceClip[ImageSequenceClip]
    ImageClip -->|inherits| Data2ImageClip[Data2ImageClip]
    Data2ImageClip -->|inherits| TextClip[TextClip]
    Data2ImageClip -->|inherits| ColorClip[ColorClip]
    AudioClip -->|inherits| SilenceClip[SilenceClip]
    SilenceClip -->|inherits| AudioFileClip[AudioFileClip]
    AudioClip -->|inherits| AudioArrayClip[AudioArrayClip]

VideoClip instances can be created from a video file, an image, a text, or a custom animation, and can include an audio track, which is an AudioClip.

VidioPY provides numerous effects that can be applied to a clip (e.g., clip.resize(width="360"), clip.subclip(t1,t2), or clip.fx(vidiopy.brightness, 1.5)). Additionally, VidioPY implements several functions (like clip.fl_frame_transform, clip.fl_clip_transform, clip.fl_time_transform, clip.fx, etc.) that make it easy to create custom effects.


Creating a VideoClip

A VideoClip can be created in several ways. The most common method is to load a video file using VideoFileClip:

from vidiopy import VideoFileClip
clip = VideoFileClip("path/to/video.mp4")

A VideoClip can also be created from an image:

from vidiopy import ImageClip
clip = ImageClip("path/to/image.png")

Modifying a VideoClip

A VideoClip has several attributes such as fps, duration, size, audio, start, end, etc. These can be modified using the corresponding set methods:

clip = clip.set_duration(10) # Not Allowed for the VideoClips only for the ImageClips
clip = clip.set_fps(24) # Should be int or float
clip = clip.set_start(5) # Use Full for the Compositing & Concatenating Video Clip. More in the Mixing clips Section
clip = clip.set_end(15) # Use Full for the Compositing & Concatenating Video Clip. More in the Mixing clips Section
audio = AudioClip("path/to/audio.mp3")
clip = clip.set_audio(audio) # Set the audio of the clip. use full for the ImageClips.

Applying Effects to a VideoClip

Various effects can be applied to a VideoClip, including resize, crop, subclip, fx, etc.:

clip = resize(clip, width=360) # Resize the clip to the given width
clip = crop(clip, x1=10, y1=10, x2=100, y2=100) # Crop the clip to the given dimensions
clip = clip.subclip(t1=5, t2=10) # Cut the clip to the given duration
clip = clip.fx(vidiopy.brightness, 1.5) # Apply the brightness effect to the clip

Exporting a VideoClip

A VideoClip can be exported to a file using the write_videofile method:

clip.write_videofile("path/to/output/video.mp4") # Write the clip to a file
clip.write_videofile_subclip("path/to/output/video.mp4", start_t=5, end_t=10) # Write the subclip to a file
clip.write_image_sequence(nformat=".png", dir="images") # Write the clip to a file as an image sequence
clip.save_frame("path/to/output/frame.png", t=5) # Save the frame of the clip to a file


Creating an ImageClip

An ImageClip can be created by loading an image file using ImageClip or by creating a new image using or a numpy array:

from vidiopy import ImageClip
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
clip = ImageClip("path/to/image.png", fps=24, duration=10) # Create an image clip from a file
clip2 = ImageClip("RGB", (720, 480), (0, 0, 0)), fps=24, duration=10) # Create an image clip from a PIL image
clip3 = ImageClip(np.zeros((480, 720, 3), dtype=np.uint8), fps=24, duration=10) # Create an image clip from a numpy array

applying Effects to a ImageClip

All Effects that can be applied to the VideoClip can be applied to the ImageClip but it is bit different. Some effects you can apply directly to the ImageClip like the Video Clip but Some Cant Directly for that you have to convert the ImageClip to the VideoClip and then apply the effect:

from vidiopy import ImageClip
clip = ImageClip("path/to/image.png", fps=24, duration=10) # Create an image clip from a file
clip = clip.resize(width=360) # Resize the clip to the given width
clip = clip.to_video_clip() # Convert the ImageClip to the VideoClip
clip = clip.fx(accel_decel, 0.5) # Apply the accel_decel effect to the clip


Creating an AudioClip

An AudioClip can be created by loading an audio file using AudioFileClip or SilenceClip:

from vidiopy import AudioFileClip
clip = AudioFileClip("path/to/audio.mp3") # Create an audio clip from a file Also accept video file it will extract the audio from the video file
clip = SilenceClip(duration=10) # Create a silent audio clip

Modifying an AudioClip

An AudioClip has several attributes such as audio_data, fps, start, end, etc. These can be modified using the corresponding set methods:

clip.fps = 24 # Set the fps of the clip
clip.start = 5 # Set the start time of the clip
clip.end = 15 # Set the end time of the clip
clip.audio_data = audio_data # Set the audio data of the clip

Applying Effects to an AudioClip

An AudioClip has several attributes such as audio_data, fps, start, end, etc. These can be modified using the corresponding set methods:

clip = clip.sub_clip(start=5, end=10) # Cut the clip to the given duration
clip = audio_normalize(clip) # Apply the normalize effect to the clip

Exporting an AudioClip

An AudioClip can be exported to a file using the write_audiofile method:

clip.write_audiofile("path/to/output/audio.mp3") # Write the clip to a file

Final Flowchart

graph TD
    Start((Start)) --> ChooseClipType[Choose Clip Type]
    ChooseClipType --> |VideoClip| CreateVideoClip[Create VideoClip]
    ChooseClipType --> |ImageClip| CreateImageClip[Create ImageClip]
    ChooseClipType --> |AudioClip| CreateAudioClip[Create AudioClip]
    CreateVideoClip --> |Load from file| LoadVideoFile["Load from file"]
    CreateVideoClip --> |Create from image| CreateVideoFromImage["Create from image"]
    LoadVideoFile --> ModifyVideoClip[Modify VideoClip]
    CreateVideoFromImage --> ModifyVideoClip
    ModifyVideoClip --> |Set duration| SetDuration["Set duration"]
    ModifyVideoClip --> |Set FPS| SetFPS["Set FPS"]
    ModifyVideoClip --> |Set start/end| SetStartEnd["Set start/end"]
    ModifyVideoClip --> |Set audio| SetAudio["Set audio"]
    ModifyVideoClip --> ApplyEffectsToVideo[Apply Effects to VideoClip]
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> |Resize| ResizeClip["Resize"]
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> |Crop| CropClip["Crop"]
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> |Subclip| Subclip["Subclip"]
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> |Apply custom effects| CustomEffects["Apply custom effects"]
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> ExportVideoClip[Export VideoClip]
    ExportVideoClip --> |Write to video file| WriteVideoFile["Write to video file"]
    ExportVideoClip --> |Write subclip to video file| WriteSubclip["Write subclip to video file"]
    ExportVideoClip --> |Write as image sequence| WriteImageSequence["Write as image sequence"]
    ExportVideoClip --> |Save frame| SaveFrame["Save frame"]
    CreateImageClip --> |Load from file| LoadImageFile["Load from file"]
    CreateImageClip --> |Create from PIL image| CreateFromPIL["Create from PIL image"]
    CreateImageClip --> |Create from numpy array| CreateFromNumpy["Create from numpy array"]
    LoadImageFile --> ModifyImageClip[Modify ImageClip]
    CreateFromPIL --> ModifyImageClip
    CreateFromNumpy --> ModifyImageClip
    ModifyImageClip --> |Resize| ResizeImageClip["Resize"]
    ModifyImageClip --> ConvertToVideo[Convert to VideoClip and apply effects]
    ResizeImageClip --> ConvertToVideo
    ConvertToVideo --> |Apply effects| ApplyEffectsToVideo
    ApplyEffectsToVideo --> ExportImageClip[Export ImageClip]
    ExportImageClip --> WriteVideoFile
    ExportImageClip --> WriteSubclip
    ExportImageClip --> WriteImageSequence
    ExportImageClip --> SaveFrame
    CreateAudioClip --> |Load from file| LoadAudioFile["Load from file"]
    CreateAudioClip --> |Create silent clip| CreateSilentClip["Create silent clip"]
    LoadAudioFile --> ModifyAudioClip[Modify AudioClip]
    CreateSilentClip --> ModifyAudioClip
    ModifyAudioClip --> |Set FPS| SetFPS_audio["Set FPS"]
    ModifyAudioClip --> |Set start/end| SetStartEnd_audio["Set start/end"]
    ModifyAudioClip --> |Set audio data| SetAudioData["Set audio data"]
    ModifyAudioClip --> ApplyEffectsToAudio[Apply Effects to AudioClip]
    ApplyEffectsToAudio --> |Subclip| Subclip_audio["Subclip"]
    ApplyEffectsToAudio --> |Apply normalize effect| NormalizeEffect["Apply normalize effect"]
    ApplyEffectsToAudio --> ExportAudioClip[Export AudioClip]
    ExportAudioClip --> WriteAudioFile["Write to audio file"]
    WriteVideoFile --> End((End))
    WriteSubclip --> End
    WriteImageSequence --> End
    SaveFrame --> End
    WriteAudioFile --> End

    click Start "#"
    click ChooseClipType "#basic-concepts"
    click CreateVideoClip "#creating-a-videoclip"
    click LoadVideoFile "#creating-a-videoclip"
    click ModifyVideoClip "#modifying-a-videoclip"
    click CreateVideoFromImage "#creating-a-videoclip"
    click SetDuration "#modifying-a-videoclip"
    click SetFPS "#modifying-a-videoclip"
    click SetStartEnd "#modifying-a-videoclip"
    click SetAudio "#modifying-a-videoclip"
    click ApplyEffectsToVideo "#applying-effects-to-a-videoclip"
    click ResizeClip "#applying-effects-to-a-videoclip"
    click CropClip "#applying-effects-to-a-videoclip"
    click Subclip "#applying-effects-to-a-videoclip"
    click CustomEffects "#applying-effects-to-a-videoclip"
    click ExportVideoClip "#exporting-a-videoclip"
    click WriteVideoFile "#exporting-a-videoclip"
    click WriteSubclip "#exporting-a-videoclip"
    click WriteImageSequence "#exporting-a-videoclip"
    click SaveFrame "#exporting-a-videoclip"
    click CreateImageClip "#creating-an-imageclip"
    click LoadImageFile "#creating-an-imageclip"
    click ModifyImageClip "#modifying-an-imageclip"
    click CreateFromPIL "#creating-an-imageclip"
    click CreateFromNumpy "#creating-an-imageclip"
    click ResizeImageClip "#modifying-an-imageclip"
    click ConvertToVideo "#modifying-an-imageclip"
    click ApplyEffectsToVideo "#applying-effects-to-a-imageclip"
    click ExportImageClip "#exporting-an-imageclip"
    click WriteVideoFile "#exporting-an-imageclip"
    click WriteSubclip "#exporting-an-imageclip"
    click WriteImageSequence "#exporting-an-imageclip"
    click SaveFrame "#exporting-an-imageclip"
    click CreateAudioClip "#creating-an-audioclip"
    click LoadAudioFile "#creating-an-audioclip"
    click ModifyAudioClip "#modifying-an-audioclip"
    click CreateSilentClip "#creating-an-audioclip"
    click SetFPS_audio "#modifying-an-audioclip"
    click SetStartEnd_audio "#modifying-an-audioclip"
    click SetAudioData "#modifying-an-audioclip"
    click ApplyEffectsToAudio "#applying-effects-to-an-audioclip"
    click Subclip_audio "#applying-effects-to-an-audioclip"
    click NormalizeEffect "#applying-effects-to-an-audioclip"
    click ExportAudioClip "#exporting-an-audioclip"
    click WriteAudioFile "#exporting-an-audioclip"
    click End "#final-flowchart"
